Coach Information


Coaching Opportunities and Training

From time to time, Biathlon Ontario and Biathlon Canada advertise paid and volunteer positions for coaches, training opportunities, as well as other news and events that may be of interest to biathlon coaches.
Planning to host a NCCP Workshop or coaching conference?If so — take advantage of funding made available through Investors Group and the CAC! Grants range from $600 – $1,200, and all you need to do is apply! A limited number of grants are available, so click here for more information and apply today!


Coaching Certification Program

There are two streams of biathlon coaching programs:

  • Community Level (Bronze, Silver, Gold)
  • Competitive Level — for coaches who wish to work with athletes who train and compete on a regular basis including competition introduction, competition development and levels 4-5.

For information on obtaining your coaching certifications in Biathlon, visit Biathlon Canada 

For more information about Biathlon Ontario Coaching opportunities, funding and general inquires contact:

Resources for Coaches

for website information, please email

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